- Around 90% of native Australian species are only found native in Australia! This includes the kangaroo, koala, dingo and platypus, with many more to be named!
- We have the only egg laying mammals in the world! Our amazing echidna and platypus are truly individual.
- Not only are red kangaroos our largest mammal in Australia (with males weighting 200 pounds at 6 feet tall!) but we have over 65 other species of Macropods in our backyard!
- A Tasmanian devil’s head and neck make up 25% of its bodyweight!
- The Dingo is considered Australia’s largest apex predator, yet they will only attack Tasmanian devils if their pack numbers are high due to the Tasmanian Devils famed ferocity.
- Koalas have an extremely strict diet of specific species of eucalyptus leaves. These leaves are toxic to most animals, but the Koala breaks down the toxins in a section of their digestive tract called the caecum. This diet for a koala provides little nutrients, therefore they spend no more than 10 minutes a day in full-bodied exertion of any kind. They also do not live in ‘packs’ in the wild, only in captivity.