At the time of discharge, the attending veterinarian or surgical nurse will discuss your pet’s procedure with you and if appropriate, will provide after care notes and handouts to take home. If at any stage, you have concerns regarding your pet’s progress or medication, please give the hospital a call on (08) 9581 7766.
Each patient and each procedure is managed on an individual basis to provide the highest level of care and best possible outcome. With your help as an owner, a successful and safe result can be achieved and a rapid recovery will provide the best quality of life for your pet.
Unfortunately our pets do not appreciate that they have been through an operation so it’s up to owners to help them recover.
Please follow these simple guidelines, unless directed otherwise by your veterinary surgeon as there may be some additional after care notes for orthopaedic, ophthalmology and advanced soft-tissue surgeries.
• Keep your pet restrained and quiet, as the effects of the anaesthetic can take some time to wear off completely.
• Keeping them quiet for 10 – 14 days is essential to allow any wound/s to heal. Sorry, no running or playing on the beach or in the park.
• Food and water should be limited to small portions only on the night after surgery.
• Follow any dietary instructions that the vet has provided.
• Ensure all post-surgical medications (if any) are administered as per the label instructions.
• Ensure your pet’s rest area is clean to avoid infection.
• Check the incision at least twice daily for any signs of infection or disruption (eg. bleeding, swelling, redness or discharge). Contact the vet immediately if these symptoms appear. Do not wait to see if they will spontaneously resolve.
• Prevent your pet from licking or chewing the wound. Special cone-shaped collars assist with this problem and should not be removed.
A single chew can remove the careful stitching with disastrous effects.
• A recheck / suture (stitch) removal is usually scheduled for 10 -14 days after surgery. This allows us to assess the healing process and remove any sutures. Sutures should only be removed by a vet or a vet nurse, please do not remove the sutures yourself.
If you have any concerns before or after surgery, please call us immediately on 08 9581 7766 to discuss your concern/s.