Pet Care Articles

Pet Care Articles2019-11-21T09:18:29+08:00

Why should I sterilise my Cat?

Females Prevents continuous oestrus (on heat), which can cause behavioural changes such as excessive vocalisation, clawing furniture and carpet and unwanted visitors (tomcats). Prevents mating which therefore decreases the chance of cat fight abscesses and feline immunodeficiency virus (feline AIDS)

Winter Grooming

Grooming your pet is just as important in winter as it is during the rest of the year – it’s not just about looking good, but promoting good health and comfort. Every pet’s coat is different, so

Injured wildlife

Cats are not the only thing that can be a danger to our native wildlife in these coming months. Cars, bushfires, poisons and various other human interventions can harm different species of animals. These animals need care when tragedy strikes

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